ErrorCat Games is a two-man indie game studio created by Dennis and Zac Sheridan, a pair of brothers and university graduates. Currently working on Traits 'n Trials - among other smaller projects - they hope to produce many games in the future, for PC and perhaps other platforms too.
When not working on their mainline projects, the duo also take part in the yearly Global Game Jam, which they have been a part of for 5 years in a row, with hopefully many more to come.

Zac is the 2D artist, animator and video editor for ErrorCat Games. He has a university degree in animation is also the voice you'll generally be hearing in the videos uploaded to the channel. Additionally, Zac writes the Game Design Docs and the other prep work for new projects.
When not working on games, Zac likes to animate and draw for his own personal projects and would one day like to produce an animated series. His favourite games are Portal, Darkest Dungeon and Bloodborne.
You can find Zac's personal Twitter at @ZacIanSheridan, or through the button below.

Dennis is the coder and general engine worker. Much of his work is behind the scenes, gradually chipping away at whatever problem is next to solve on a project. He mostly works in Unity, but also has a university degree in Game Development, specialising in 3D Sculpting using ZBrush and 3DS Max.
When not working on the game, Dennis enjoys cooking and reading. His favourite games are Nier Automata, Breath of the Wild and the obscure GameCube classic, Lost Kingdoms.
You can find Dennis' personal Twitter at @ProcrastaDev, though he does not post often.